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Thursday 15 September 2016

Fixing your Keurig Coffee machine when it will not brew any longer

My Mr. Coffee single serving keurig machine wasn't brewing coffee last year.

I watched a few YouTube videos to see how to get it fixed.  People were taking the machine apart and cleaning it with all kinds of stuff.  None of it worked.  But I was able to see how to take the machine apart and put it back together again.

I really thought I was going to go buy another coffee maker.

That was until I told Mum what was going on.  She told me to run vinegar though the machine.  Sure Mum, let me do that.

Well, the video evidence speaks for itself.


8 oz of Pickling Vinegar (higher acid content)

Stuff you will need

1 x 12 oz cup
1 plugged up Keurig machine


Follow the directions on your machine to brew coffee.  Make sure that you don't need to have a coffee pod in the machine to make it work.  But replace the water with vinegar and brew up a cup of coffee.

The vinegar will unplug the build up in the coffee machine.

It's been over a year now and hundreds of K-Cups later.  It's working great.  But when it runs slow again...  I got the vinegar on stand by.

As always, comments and suggestions are ALWAYS welcome.

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