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Friday, 25 November 2016

Newfie Poutine - or is it "Fries, Gravy and Dressing"?

So I have some friends that are from Newfoundland.  Calling them a "Newfie" is not considered a term of endearment.

I did a few months onboard HMCS St. John's.  The chief cook was from Newfoundland and he used to serve dressing on the fries with gravy.

I have a colleague who used to work at Marine Atlantic on the ferry crossing from North Sydney to Channel Port Au Basque.  The truckers used to ask for "Newfie Poutine".

Some people may call it "Newfoundland Fries", or even, "Fries, Gravy and Dressing".  No matter what you call it, it is yummy.

I think the pictures speak for them selves.  We had the Newfie Poutine with chicken strips for supper last night.


1 box of Chicken Stuffing
Chicken Gravy


Make the stuffing, using the directions on the box.

Make up the fries.  You can use my Home Fries recipe HERE

Get your chicken gravy ready.  You can use my Chicken Gravy recipe HERE

Put the fries on the plate first.  Followed by the dressing and then top with gravy.

If you have a recipe that makes your stuffing loose and crumbly, this is more what you get when you order it on the Marine Atlantic ships and from my Chief Cook onboard HMCS St. John's.

Comments and suggestions are ALWAYS welcome.

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